Ash Dieback has recently hit us in West Sussex and its becoming a bigger problem each and every day for homeowners. 95% of Ash trees will be gone within the next 10 to 20 years. If an Ash tree that has been affected by the fungus ‘Hymenoscyphus fraxineus’ is not taken care of as soon as possible it could result in the tree becoming brittle and very dangerous for a tree surgeon to climb or it could fall, which would be dangerous for anyone walking near the tree or any property within close proximity.
So far in the area, we have had to rip out several ash trees due to this deadly fungus and there are bound to be more and more until there are no ash trees left. Please click here to see a couple of pictures I managed to capture whilst working on these types of projects.

Sadly this will have a huge impact on the county’s landscape, the wildlife eco-system and other services trees provide including filtering the air, storing carbon, reducing flooding, providing shade and protecting soils. The Wood Land Trust has recently launched their biggest campaign yet to help fight global warming (ash dieback certainly is helping the matter) called The Big Climate Fightback where they are fighting to get one million pledges to plant a tree. One million more trees means a lot more oxygen would be released into the atmosphere, whilst Co2 will be significantly reduced, helping with the carbon footprint. I will be planting a couple of small Oak Trees in my garden which will help with the many ash trees we are having to remove.
At Daniel Ryan Tree Services we will offer our customers the opportunity to plant a tree for every tree ripped down. It can be planted in their chosen location for a reasonable price.
Tagged Ash Dieback, Ash Trees, Dead Trees, fungus, global warming, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, Oak Trees, plant a tree, reduce carbon footprint, The Big Climate fightback, Tree removal, Tree Surgeon, Woodland Trust